Co-financing Publications of Slovenian Authors in Foreign Languages

Subsidies by the Slovenian Book Agency (Updated March 2022)


Slovenian Book Agency: funding opportunities for foreign publishers

Grants for the translation and publication of works by Slovenian authors

Yearly open call for translations from Slovenian into foreign languages includes first translations of adult fiction, children’s and young adult fiction, essayistic and critical works on culture and the humanities, plays, graphic novels and comics. Applicants must be legal persons (publishing houses, theatres) registered abroad. The subsidy covers up to 100% and maximum of 10.000 € of the translation costs.



Grants for printing costs

Yearly open call for printing costs of Slovenian Books published in foreign includes first prints of adult fiction, children’s and young adult fiction, essayistic and critical works on culture and the humanities, plays, graphic novels and comics. Applicants must be publishing houses registered abroad. The subsidy covers up to 70% and maximum of 3.000 € of the printing costs.



Slovenia – Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2023

Yearly open call for translations from Slovenian into German language includes first translations and reprints of adult fiction, children’s and young adult fiction, essayistic and critical works on culture and the humanities, plays, graphic novels and comics. Applicants must be publishing houses registered in Austria, Germany or Switzerland. This subsidy covers up to 50% and up to 11.000 € of all types of costs connected with book publication (excluding license fees) and promotion for first translations or 50% and up to 3.000 € for reprints, eligible costs are printing, typesetting, cover design and corrections.



In 2022 and 2023 publishers from EU countries, publishing first prints of adult fiction, children’s and young adult fiction, essayistic and critical works on culture and the humanities, plays, graphic novels and comics can apply for a fixed sum of 5.398,48€ towards the costs of translating, editing, printing and publishing Slovenian works in German, French and English.



Travel grants are also available for Slovene authors, translators, editors or rights agents, who have been invited to literary or industry events abroad. An invitation and the program for the event must be enclosed with the application. There is one call per year, which covers trips throughout the year.